Friday, November 27, 2009

Current productions: I Hate Shakespeare

I'm directing a two act play called I Hate Shakespeare. It's essentially a parody of ten or so plays, featuring zombies, Jerry Springer, a ghetto Juliet, and pie.
I've never had so much fun or been under so much stress. I have to build a giant cauldron, organize costumes, find a dummy, build two walls, get a life size model of one of our actor's heads, design posters, design programs, and a bunch of other random things needed for the production. By Monday. And the cast is off book next week, so I'll probably have quite a bit of yelling to do when people are not prepared for rehearsal.
It's really coming together though, and I'm quite excited to see the final result.

Did you know high school drama is time consuming?

Happy Black Friday! I've had a nice thanksgiving break, and yet I'm still obsessing over our various productions in Tada!
Dracula went fantastic by the way. I've never seen such a good turn out.
We're off book for The Taming of the Shrew on Monday. Lord, help me. At least it's the super abridged version, so I don't have much real Shakespeare to immerse myself in before the weekend's over. I'm seriously worried about how much the rest of the class is committed to this play. Seems, Pertruchio, Bianca, Lucentio and I are the only ones attempting to get these lines down. Hopefully, everyone will get their shit together come performance time and we'll bring the Shakespearean house down.

Still need to find a Kate costume, I'm not sure what the director has planned for me. I picture Kate in darker clothing, a Helena Bohman-Carter version, but she may think differently.

Another post on I Hate Shakespeare, coming next.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Current productions: Dracula

I have a new found respect for those that play walk on roles in live productions. The rehearsals are long, and most of the cast doesn't realize I'm even in this play. I must be there for all of Act III. I like the role though. I play the servant. A bit of (much needed) comic relief for Dracula. Six lines. I'm not complaining. I have a lot on my plate as it is.

The script is amazing. We're currently in the working phase of this production. I have high expectations for this show, especially with how hard everyone is working. Come November, we'll have rehearsal from 4-6 every Monday through Friday. I'm also impressed with the actors.

Last weeks rehearsals were in a bit of a rut. It felt a lot like a show week, because we couldn't get much done. It was fun, but we needed to stop laughing and start rehearsing. I'm sure it was just the post competition feeling though. Next week should be better.

And yes, America is awesome.

Current productions: The Taming of the Shrew in Drama II

My Drama II class is producing Shakespeare's The Taming of The Shrew. We are currently in the blocking process of rehearsals. I play Katharine, the shrew of the play. Nathan Gladden stars as Petruchio, I intend to post the rest of the cast list as soon as I'm sure of who is who.

I am incredibly excited for this play, it's one of my favorites by Shakespeare. I'm a little torn about the script though. It's a classroom edition, and the text has been altered majorly. It's much easier to memorize and speak, but it alters the meaning of the play quite a bit. For example:

Kate: I pray you, sir, is it your will
To make a stale (whore) of me amongst these mates (low class men)?

Kate: Father, is it your will to make a fool of me amongst these fools.

Of course, few high schoolers are going to understand the meaning of the original. But it seems as though the editor could have kept the original meaning and made it easier to understand as well.

Kate: Yo, Dad, are you trying to make me look like a whore amongst these losers?

Just saying. Maybe it's not my place to critique. Or maybe you can't say whore in high school theater and that's why they changed it.

The blocking is going great. Our director is excellent, of course, it's Bo. The stage combat is my favorite part, I'm really looking forward to blocking the fight scene with the widow towards the end of the play.

I'm still doing some character analysis of Kate. From what I can tell, she's not as much of a shrew as the men in the play think she is. She's just a spirited girl who's not afraid to speak up for herself. She does fall in love with Petruchio, maybe even at first sight, but his attitude is vexing enough to keep her from showing it. I'm trying to work out how best to play it. Darker or lighter?

If I be waspish, best beware my sting.

My name is Caroline and I don't want to be famous.

I caught the theater bug at age nine when I played Gladys Herdman in Town Theater's The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

The stage is my friend. I love the lights, I love the wooden floors, the rush before a show. Whether I'm starring in a show, or just moving scenery in between scenes, there's no place I'd rather be than the wings of my high schools little theater.

I've learned there's nothing like live theater. I'm currently in high school, biding my time until I can pursue a career in the performing arts. I'm not a professional actress. I might not even be a great actress. This is my blog on my projects and experiences in the wide world of theater. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.